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  • Luna

Inner Child Healing - FREE download!

Updated: May 8, 2022

The other day I had complete meltdown.

On the upside, I took the time to sit with myself and work through my emotions.

I had a full on conversation with myself.

It led to me talking to all my parts (IFS based - Internal Family Systems). I realised my inner child was in complete panic while my workaholic part had taken over.


I compassionelty told my inner child that I will always be available to listen to her no matter what. I had a long conversation telling her how much she is loved and worthy.

I also gave my protector workaholic part validation for her role, acknowledging how tiring that role can be.

I felt SO much better after this chat with myself! It inspired me to make a lil worksheet based on IFS and inner child healing!

The next time you feel some turmoil inside of you and can't quite figure out what emotion you're feeling, try this worksheet out!

-Hope it helps!

You are safe. You are loved. You are enough.

You always were. You always will be.


(Alternatively, you cannot support my Etsy shop and buy the worksheet


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